
【 APAアワード 】広告作品部門、写真作品部門にて入選

【APAアワード】 広告作品部門、写真作品部門にて入選

【APA award】Selected in Advertising Photograph section and Photograph section

Since 1961 APA award is held every year and the advertising photograph in the exhibition are selected from public offering for the purpose of upgrading advertising photograph and skill up photographer’s technique in photographic representation. It is contributed to produce new photographers in the advertising field of society and many of the present well known photographers had a result to get award in the exhibition. 

The exhibition has two sections. One is “Advertising Photograph”, which is a photograph distributed as an advertising media and the others is “Photography”, which is the works photographers challenging to express their new styling in the photograph.

This year my photographs are selected in both section, two for “advertising photograph” and one for” photography”.

I put my heart into releasing a shutter each time, and I am very glad my photographs are awarded high regards in the exhibition.

I am sincerely appreciated to clients, directors, designers, flowers and all others relating to my photographs.

This achievement makes my mind much more encouragement to my future works.









スクリーンショット 2015-11-02 18.10.26






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