“Flower photo for this month” Vol.44 Baby’s breath spirea
今月のフラワーフォト Vol.44 ユキヤナギ
Day by day it is getting warmer and the buds of cherry flowers are filling out.
The gardening tools and plant pots hit the store shelves, and we know the full-blown spring has come.
I selected young and soft branches to take the movement into the styling and it inspire us of the flowers
blooming one after another.In this season colorful variety of gerbera can be seen and it brighten the arrangement.
Graduation of orange color brings the heartfelt atmosphere to this styling.
パッと明るさを感じさせるガーベラも色が豊富な時期、 オレンジの濃淡をうまく使って暖かな雰囲気を作ります。