“Flower photo for this month” Vol.49 Dahlia
今月のフラワーフォト Vol.49 ダリア
I post you my Monthly Flower Photo introducing my flower arrangement and styling and you may feel the change of the seasons with it’s color.
The humid weather is still continue, but there are signs of autumn in the air and we notice the autumn arrives.
The autumn color is changing from light color, wine read, to dark color, burgundy and bordeaux, and wine red, the color of beginning of autumn is the color theme for this month.
I selected autumn color’s Dahlia and Collar and make an stylish elegance styling against the orange and brown arrangement and styling in the streets to enjoy Halloween in this month.
From now on autumn gives the place to winter and towns are decorated in deep and chic color to celebrate christmas.
The rest of a year I am willing to continue and enjoy producing various kinds of flower styling.
毎月、季節に合ったカラーテーマを決め、その色に合わせたフラワーアレンジとスタイリングを提案しているMonthly Flower Photo。